I love giving fresh produce bags as birthday/Christmas presents. Everyone always says that they are so handy. Mine are about to celebrate their 1st birthday!! Never again will I go back. In 1 year we have only used like 1 fresh produce bag and that was in an emergency. Mine are mad of recycled plastic, but I have seen awesome cotton and linen ones.
I was so excited this weekend at the local organic shop, they had naked grapes!! A whole carboard box of grapes just sitting there!! I was gleeful! I said to the lady 'OMG YOU HAVE GRAPES' and she said 'yeh..' I think she detected that I was excited. So I filled by bag. They are now safe at home in my fridge in a fridgemate.
I haven't bought grapes, or blueberries, or strawberries, or cherries in a whole year because they are only sold in plastic containers. I tried growing strawberries, but they were growing out of season so I didn't have any to pick. But, if all places just went naked, I would be able to enjoy berries as much as possible.