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Over the past few years there have been many places that I have found, places of hope that have been useful in helping myself and others on the path to ecological conversion. 


The Catholic Earthcare programs are particularly excellent. 


Schools program


Parishes program


Families and individuals program 


In 2021 the Laudato Si Action Platform was launched. The Catholic Earthcare families and individuals program above is aligned to this platform. 


Laudato Si Action Platform 


For a more practical and theological program that can be completed at home, you may be interested in my Living Laudato Si at Home program. Click on this image below to download. 


When the IPCC report was released at the end of 2021, I designed a calendar for 2022 that you can download below to help make change in 2022. My thinking was, that the report says we have 9 years to make all the changes we needed, what if we just took 1 year to make those sacrifices and changes?

There are a lot of books, movies, TV shows etc. that I have read in the past few years that have helped me. 



Drawdown by Project Drawdown– Book and website that names the top 80 solutions to sequestering carbon dioxide back into the earth.


The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells – book that is incredibly scary about what our Earth will be like if we don't make changes now


On Eating Meat by Matthew Evans– a book about meat ethics


Blow out by Rachel Maddow– a book about the corruption in the fossil fuel industry


Movies and TV series:

2040 – a movie that explores what the year 2040 might look like if we make the changes now that we can (great for families).


Plastic Ocean – Netflix series that discusses plastic pollution


Rotten - Netflix series that discusses food origins and fair trade


The Inconvenient Truth and the Inconvenient Sequel – Documentary about the climate crisis


Theology books and articles:

Becker, W. H. (1992). Ecological sin. Theology Today, 49(2), 152.


Deane-Drummond, C. (2008). Eco-theology. Retrieved from


Johnson E. A. (2018). Creation and the Cross. Maryknoll NY: Orbis Books


Johnson, E. A. (2014). The Community of Creation. In E. A. Johnson, Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love, (pp. 260-286). Bloomsbury Publishing Place, London.


Kureethadam, J. I. (2016). Ecological virtues in Laudato Si. Ethics in Progress, 7(1). Pp. 44-66. Doi:10.14746/eip.2016.1.4


Pope Francis. (2015). Encyclical Letter Laudato Si of the Holy Father Francis on Care for Our Common Home. Retrieved from


Shore-Goss, R. E. (2016). God is green: An eco-spirituality of incarnate compassion. Retrieved from



The Bee Movie – talks about how important bees are to our ecosystem.


Wall-e – a dystopian style movie about what would happen if we continue to pollute our planet.


Fern Gulley – a movie about deforestation.


The Lorax – about environment and profit


Happy Feet – about plastic pollution and humans


Links to articles written by me: 


Virtues to keep in a changing world: 


Camping out: 


I also write for the Australian Catholics Magazine. 


For more updates, tips and tricks- SUBSCRIBE!

  © Alice Carwardine 2020 from Overturn the Tables. 

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