In our new Queensland assessment system for ATAR, we are required to mark via ISMGs, which are just another version of a criteria sheet. The assessment confirmation process is an online process now that requires PDFs to be compiled. The endorsement process for assessment requires electronic submission as well. The QCAA online platform has professional develop run through webinars for accessibility. So our assessment authority is really moving towards an online space. This is how I ensure, at my end, that I am as online as possible.
In the process of creating assessment, the only things that I print are exams as I need to annotate and edit them. Including timing how long it takes to complete the exam. One of the things that QCAA falls down in through endorsement is the app. It is clunky and you need to print a few times to ensure the formatting is done right... pain in the neck piece of poo that it is :)
When handing out assessment, if it is an exam, we are required to print them. Otherwise the assessments are handed out via teams.
When students submit checkpoints and drafts, they submit via teams or email and I use the review tool on work to annotate their drafts.
When students submit their final, they submit via teams or email and i use the review tool to annotate their final in relation to what they are demonstrating. I find this very easy and not very time consuming. I am able to read a sentence or paragraph, identify what part of the ISMG it relates to, select the appropriate standard, highlight it in the ISMG and leave a comment on the assignment within a few minutes. It cuts down on the amount of time I need to mark an assignment by a LOT!
The students upon submission need to sign a declaration of authenticity, so this is the ONLY document I will print for an assignment. I developed a table where students write their name and sign the declaration all in one or two pages for the whole class. This then gets scanned and filed. If the students had access to the adobe online signing system, I would get them to use that instead.
When moderating, I am able to email my colleagues and they can see the annotations of the assignments and we can have a discussion around this.
Student are then emailed their feedback and can save it to their own files. I save copies to our portal or put it on a usb for 'hard copy' filing.... My school likes me to do this, but it might because of the limitations of the portal in its capacity
When it comes to confirmation I can convert the word documents into PDFs and upload them together.
So all in all, printing only occurs for exams and I print one document for declarations of authenticity. So much more time efficient, uses MUCH less paper, and I find it better for the students to receive feedback.