So it is almost Easter. And I've been thinking a lot about climate sin. Why isn't this a thing yet?
A few years ago I was at a workshop about Luadato Si, and a guy said:
"I don't think it is reasonable enough to consider not recycling a sin..."
I'm inclined to disagree with him there. If I was to make a list of climate sins this is what they would be:
- using more resources than you need (e.g. wasting water, fuel etc)
- inappropriately disposing of waste (littering, not composting, not recycling etc)
- exploiting resources at the expense of humans or animals (remembering to buying local, or fair trade, or cruelty free etc)
- using unnecessary single use plastics (clingwrap, chocolate wrappers)
- walking past something that you see that is wrong and not doing something about it (walking on the beach and not picking up rubbish)
- not challenging others on their sins
I believe that some sins are social constructs. Why can't we make climate sin a thing? What about climate criminals?